$620,000 Generated For Clients
Course- , Community-, Info-product Owners & Coaches...
Give Me 6 Minutes And I'll Show You How My Branded-Story Funnel Method Will Make You $10k-$30k Richer In The Next 3 Months – Or You Don't Pay
The best part: It will increase your brand's authority, give you your time back, and capture every lead possible and turn them into a paying customer...
I Know I'm A Random Person On The Internet Giving You A Bold Claim...
But I have the proof to show for it.It's nothing crazy, advanced or super fancy.My method is built on proven Direct Response Principles and includes a big hint of personality.The reason why?Your audience is TIRED of all the overused sales gimmicks and "persuasion" tricks (and even the fake use of discounts)That simply doesn't work anymore.And I know because I've been in the market for over 2 years now and watched it change.So now you're probably wondering...
"Okay Leon... But what is it that works then?"
I'm glad you asked my friend.You see...The true (and new) way to sell like crazy is to be... AUTHENTIC.Be you.That's the new biggest advantage.Making your audience like, know, and TRUST you.Because people only buy from people they like, know, and trust (but I assume you already know that)So again...What makes my Branded-Story system unique?Well, I don't write campaigns to sell.I tell stories that inspire, change beliefs, and make people super aware of their problems.And then sell them the solution (your offer).I call it StorySELLING.And that's my unique thing that works amazingly well.
I mean... Why Else Would You Be So Far Down This Sales Letter???
But let's talk numbers. Results. Cash.Whatever you wanna call it.What type of results is it that you can expect working with me?Well...It's nothing short of this (as long as you have the traffic needed):
Look my friend.Results like these are nothing crazy to me or my clients.Or not now that is... Because majority of my clients were barely making $10k-$20k/m... But with me?They added another $10k-$30k/m...And I even have a client which I made $60,000 in the first 22 days of working together.How?StorySELLING.And I ONLY have 2 requirements to be able to help you:1. You gotta have an email list of at LEAST 1,000 people2. You have to be getting a good amount of traffic (either organically or through paid ads) on the dailyIf you have the 2 I can almost guarantee I can help you – but I won't know for sure until I've asked you some questions on a call to see if we're actually a good fit.So if this interest you even the slightest, feel free to book a FREE call with me (you can even leave your card at home as I won't pitch you UNLESS I genuinely think I can help)
Here's Some Of The Amazing People I've Written Copy For:
What is it that makes me SOOO confident I can make you an extra $10k-$30k/m??
Well After Working With Over 40+ People (And Satisfying them all)...
I Have Developed A Proven 4-Step Roadmap That I Tailor Specifically To Every Single Client Of Mine & Now I'll Give It To You – FREE Of Charge
And just to spice up things a bit.I will tell you EXACTLY how this 4-step map helped me generate $60,000 for one of my clients.
I’ll walk you through every step of my little-known funnel method that allows all my clients to make thousands of extra dollars so you can copy and paste this into your own business – today.But first… let’s make one thing clear.I know there are a lot of ‘self-claimed’ marketers who overpromise and underdeliver. But me?I do the opposite; underpromise and overdeliver.I could've used my one insane client result and told you I could take you from $10k/m to $60k/m because of this one result...But I'm not gonna do that.Why?Because I'm gonna promise you the bare minimum and exceed your expectations.So if you’re anything like my client who…→ Has been burnt by incompetent marketers who SWORE on their mama’s life that they’d get results→ Was – for lack of a better word – unsatisfied with his current revenue and felt like he was capped at his current MRR…→ Felt like he didn't have any time to spend with his kids (you might not have kids, but I bet you have someone in your life you WANT to spend time with)→ Couldn’t find a way to scale effortlessly…Close all tabs and read this doc very carefully, it will be worth the read (you have my promise)Because this doc could be the VERY thing you need to unlock simple scale and add on an extra $10k-$30k in the next 90 days by letting me do the heavy lifting for you.Don’t believe me? That’s fine.I’ll bombard you with social proof as you continue reading. (And I WILL NOT make this long. It’s SHORT. Precise. And FULL of value.)Why?Well… this document––This IMMENSE value––becomes MEANINGLESS if you don’t believe it’s real.So that’s my job. To SHOW (not convince) you that this is real. And I PROMISE you I will do my best…But with that being said… I need you to promise me one thing as well. Okay?And don’t worry it’s not something big, abnormal, or anything crazy (or illegal for that sake).I need you to (say it with me) PROMISE to read this ENTIRE document (and not make it one of those you get and put to the “I’ll do it later” category which we both know you FORGET) and apply the techniques.Can you do that for me?If that little nod was a “Yes sir!”. Then awesome.Let’s begin.
This is how I made my client $60,000 in the first 22 days of working together...
I began working with him in early November 2023.Before me he was already doing okay, he had a decent offer and was making $8,000-$12,000 per month through his email list and YouTube channel.But there was ONE BIG PROBLEM which you might be facing right now… He didn’t have a proper automated sales machine set up.And that was leaving thousands of easily achievable dollars on the table.The reason?He wasn’t aware of the 4 PILLARS you NEED to generate sales completely automated.
If you’re not getting the results you are looking for, it’s most likely because one or more of your pillars are executed wrong.Don’t worry tho. I’ve got you covered.Here’s THE solution to your problems:
1 – Push Out Content → Redirect To Capture Leads
Most of my clients already have some sort of traffic (either paid or organic) but struggle to get conversions.
The problem?They don’t capture the leads, nurture them, and then begin selling.If they first capture them... They make the mistake of selling immediately (digital face-palm).So in the first weeks, I set up a proper and high-converting squeeze page and made it a PRIORITY to get new warm leads every day with our bulletproof framework.This is a crucial part incompetent marketers overlook.They just give you a simple email sequence, a cheap sales page and you’re on your own – while they robbed you for money.So again, in the first week, I helped him set up a squeeze page and get a consistent stream of warm leads in:
Within the first few days, we’d already gotten 751 fresh, warm, and ready-to-buy leads inside (now it’s up in the tens of thousands)Here you can see how we’ve grown another email list from 14,500 to almost 30,000 in a couple of months…
2 – Straight Into The Nurture Machine → Automation
Automatically, all of these leads are immediately put inside a welcome sequence consisting of 5-10 emails.It makes them like, know, and trust you… and once the nurturing part is done.It begins selling. AUTOMATICALLY.Once it’s set up, it will print forever.And that’s EXACTLY what it did for Adam.Every single day I checked inside the Convertkit dashboard… I saw this:
$8,861 in ONE day. And it only took me 10-20 minutes to generate… Crazy? No. Not at all when you implement these 3 steps I’m about to share with you.And then the next day I logged in from my phone and saw this:
BUT…Only this will NOT allow you to print.You’re missing the 3rd and 4th steps which are CRUCIAL to get sales. Especially the 3rd step.CHECKPOINT:This is exactly what we’ve done so far (and at the end of this document I’ll show you the WHOLE system):Traffic → Lead Capture → Email Automation → ??? → ???P.S. – For our client specifically, I set up a segmented welcome sequence.He had 2 main audiences:People who wanted the course.
People who wanted his services.So I went one step further and made an advanced welcome sequence that’s NEVER been made before.
3 – The Offer
You can have the biggest audience, the most traffic, insane open rates, and really good click-through rates.But… if your offer sucks? You’ll make $0.And this was a big part of my clients problem.The course itself was insanely good, but the offer was bad.He was selling it as JUST a Digital Marketing Course.I sold $60k worth of it in 22 days as THE key to getting insanely good at digital marketing and helping clients scale effortlessly so you can make a lot of money.What did I do?I simply asked his audience for their problems using his email list.Took notes.And based the offer around that and guided Adam on what type of content he should be making, and what modules he needed to record to make the course deliver on its promise, and began selling.To put together the offer I simply used our no-brainer framework:Offer = Dream Outcome + Time Frame + Reduced Pain + USP + Guarantee
Step 4 - The 24/7 Sales Machine
The last thing you HAVE to install into your business to actually make an automated money-printing funnel…Is a sales page.A place where you re-direct the ready-to-buy lead which shows them EVERY single thing your offer is capable of helping them with.And this is the secret component that will make you so much money you’ll be overwhelmed.Once I set all of these 4 things in place.I generated $60,000 in 22 days.
But it would be rude of me to take so much time of your day and leave you empty-handed... So I'm giving you 3 BONUSES!!
FREE Bonus #1 – The Full System
Friend...I'm not afraid to give you my whole system for completely free.Why?Because I know that there isn't a single soul on this planet that can execute it exactly as I can.And that's why it's only I who can deliver consistent and good results.So here's the system:
And you wanna know a secret?This is exactly what I've explained to you so far.I install all of this into my client's business and make killer profits.Just like I'll install it into your business once I see that I can truly help you (and then I'll manage it to make sure it's running properly)But hold on.There's one more thing:The above image is just an outline.I tailor the funnel specifically for all my clients cuz your business is unique.
FREE Bonus #2 – Broadcasts
There’s one thing I left out…The welcome sequence did generate sales.Around 30-40% of them.The other 70-60%?They were generated in the daily broadcasts as you can see here (note this is not this clients dashboard, this is another client):
Yes. You still HAVE to send broadcasts to your list to stay top of mind and generate the most amount of sales.And this is where it starts to get time-consuming…Look.I turned his simple business into a killer money-printing machine.The best part?I allowed my client to eliminate 30 minutes per day to write the daily emails. And another 2-3 hours per day to check on the systems and tweak them slightly.In one week I saved him 17,5 hours.In one month I saved him 70 hours.In 3 months 210 hours.In 6 months – I think you get the point.
FREE Bonus #3 – I Saved The Best One To Last: Free Call With ME!!
Imagine if you could talk with a therapist that could solve all your problems for you.You simply tell them your problems.And before you know it – they're working on it and in a small amount of time:Your problems are solved and you're feeling better than ever.Well..Hold that thought because that's WHAT it will feel like if you decided to take action and book this free call with me.I will ask you some questions to understand your business a bit better and truly see if I can actually help you (because I might just not be able to)And if I think we're a good fit and we could work together.I will walk you through my entire Branded-Story Funnel Method.The best part?It runs 24/7… without you ever lifting a finger.A set-it-up-once-and-print-forever deal.And yes, it sounds too good to be true…
Because there’s ONE big problem to all of this...
I’ve taken over 2 years of my life to learn these skills.I’ve scaled 40+ businesses and had to learn Direct Response Copywriting, Funnel Building, Web Design, Marketing, Human Psychology, Sales, Offer Construction, Storytelling & much more…As a busy successful person, this shouldn't be an option to consider unless your business is running on complete autopilot and you don't have anything else more important to do but study.It will take you so much time to learn.And you might've tried hiring someone else to do the job for you.But they did not only not make you any profits, but hurt your brand reputation making it 100x more difficult to sell to your audience.I get it.It's hard to trust someone in today's market.Which is why I'm all pushed back and writing this sales letter with my feet on the desk.I'm here to help you. Not make a quick dime and not deliver results.My reputation is worth way more than a couple thousand bucks.So if you're ready to just see IF we could potentially work together...Hit this red, sexy-looking button below and schedule a call
And Look... You Really Only Have 2 Options Right Now...
You've spent so much of your time reading down to the very end of this letter.And that tells me enough to know that you somewhat want what I can offer.But at the same time...You still haven't clicked the red, sexy-looking button to book a call with me.I don't know why.But if it makes you feel any safer, I promise I don't bite.Let me tell you a bit about myself (so you at least know you're not getting on a call with a super-criminal, unless generating tons of money with words is illegal in your country I promise I'm not a criminal):
Hey, I'm Leon
I'm an Albanian who lives in the freezing cold Norway and type words on my Mac that turn into $$$.And when I sat down and calculated it...So far I've generated over $620,000 online for my clients.I fell in love with copywriting 3 years ago and have practiced it ever since.I've been writing DR copy for companies for quite some time... and with my 'magic' words I've been able to help companies explode their revenue...I've helped multiple businesses go from 4-figure to 5-figures a month...And also helped them go from $10k up all they way to $60k/m.I've mastered the art of 'branded DR copy' (a term I made up) and I love learning about human persuasion.And also...I'll help you increase your monthly revenue.What more do you need to know?No seriously. I'm asking you.Because I'll be more than happy to answer you on our call.Book it by clicking the button below.
Now Let's Get Into Your 2 Options:
Option 1:
This is what I like to call the "smart-choice" because it's the easiest and safest out of the two.In fact.Once you choose this...You can sit with your feet on your desk and watch as everytime you refresh your dashboard you'll see a new sale come in.Or you could be out doing whatever you want to be doing or with whoever you want to be with because your business is finally operating as close to automatically as you can get it.When you choose option 1 you get:
A personalized funnel fully installed into your business within 3-4 weeks
Effortless scale which will add an extra $10k-$30k/m with DFY automated sales funnels (I guarantee you that in 90 days – or refund you)
Established as THE authority in your space because of my specific strategy
To never worry about losing out on another lead with the Low-To-High funnel installed in your business…
But then...We have option 2:You can stay EXACTLY where you are.
And be capped at your current MRR.
Waste thousands of leads that are actively viewing your content… that could have been easily converted with a system… but simply aren’t.Quite frankly…If you’re a business owner making over $10,000/m you could try to set all of this up…But you’ll need to spend the next 3-6 months to learn & build EVERYTHING alone, taking both time and money out of your business.Which I know you don’t want.
To Get Started Is Stupidly Simple...
Here’s my exact 8-step process from the moment you book a call to the moment your business is absolutely printing money on autopilot:
If you're still reading...I guess you're still a bit unsure.Which is why I'll give you ONE last screenshot of what your dashboard could look like if you decide to act NOW:
The thing is, you don’t have to scale your business alone.You don’t have to be dependent on systems that do NOT work.And you don’t have to hire amateurs who’ll only take your money and hurt your reputation.You can have us by your side helping you every step of the way to make sure your business is running optimally.Thank you for reading.With Energy,
Leon Bekteshi – Writing Stories That Do More Than Just Selling